[Resource Topic] 2025/280: Cryptanalysis of rank-2 module-LIP: a single real embedding is all it takes

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Cryptanalysis of rank-2 module-LIP: a single real embedding is all it takes

Authors: Bill Allombert, Alice Pellet-Mary, Wessel van Woerden


The rank-2 module-LIP problem was introduced in cryptography by (Ducas, Postlethwaite, Pulles, van Woerden, Asiacrypt 2022), to construct the highly performant HAWK scheme. A first cryptanalytic work by (Mureau, Pellet–Mary, Pliatsok, Wallet, Eurocrypt 2024) showed a heuristic polynomial time attack against the rank-2 module-LIP problem over totally real number fields. While mathematically interesting, this attack focuses on number fields that are not relevant for cryptography. The main families of fields used in cryptography are the highly predominant cyclotomic fields (used for instance in the HAWK scheme), as well as the NTRU Prime fields, used for instance in the eponymous NTRU Prime scheme (Bernstein, Chuengsatiansup, Lange, van Vredendaal, SAC 2017).

In this work, we generalize the attack of Mureau et al. against rank-2 module-LIP to the family of all number fields with at least one real embedding, which contains the NTRU Prime fields. We present three variants of our attack, firstly a heuristic one that runs in quantum polynomial time. Secondly, under the extra assumption that the defining polynomial of K has a 2-transitive Galois group (which is the case for the NTRU Prime fields), we give a provable attack that runs in quantum polynomial time. And thirdly, with the same 2-transitivity assumption we give a heuristic attack that runs in classical polynomial time. For the latter we use a generalization of the Gentry–Szydlo algorithm to any number field which might be of independent interest.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2025/280

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