Welcome to the resource topic for 2025/253
Adaptively Secure IBE from Lattices with Asymptotically Better Efficiency
Authors: Weidan Ji, Zhedong Wang, Lin Lyu, Dawu Gu
Abstract:Current adaptively secure identity-based encryption (IBE) constructions from lattices are unable to achieve a good balance among the master public key size, secret key size, modulus and reduction loss. All existing lattice-based IBE schemes share a common restriction: the modulus is quadratic in the trapdoor norm.
In this work, we remove this restriction and present a new adaptively secure IBE scheme from lattices in the standard model, which improves the state-of-the-art construction proposed by Abla et al. (TCC 2021) and achieves asymptotically better efficiency. More precisely, we achieve the asymptotically minimal number of public vectors among all the existing schemes, along with a significantly smaller modulus compared to the scheme by Abla et al. (TCC 2021). Furthermore, our scheme enjoys the smallest Gaussian width of the secret key among all existing schemes and has the same tightness as Abla et al.'s scheme.
We propose a novel cross-multiplication design for our IBE scheme, along with several novel tools and techniques, including: (a) a homomorphic computation algorithm that outputs BGG±style encoding with two distinct-norm trapdoors; (b) a sampling algorithm with hybrid Gaussian outputs; and (c) a partial rerandomization algorithm. These new tools and techniques are general and could find rich applications in lattice-based cryptography.
ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2025/253
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