Welcome to the resource topic for 2025/206
Revisiting the Differential-Linear Attacks on ChaCha from IEEE TIT and INDOCRYPT 2024 (Extended Abstract)
Authors: Xinhai Wang, Lin Ding, Zhengting Li, Jiang Wan, Bin Hu
Abstract:The ChaCha stream cipher has become one of the best known ARX-based ciphers because of its widely use in several systems, such as in TLS, SSH and so on. In this paper, we find some errors in the attacks on ChaCha256 from IEEE TIT and INDOCRYPT 2024, and then corrected cryptanalytic attacks on ChaCha256 are given. However, the corrected attacks have extremely large time and data complexities. The corrected results show that the technique proposed in IEEE TIT may not be able to obtain improved differential-linear attacks on ChaCha.
ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2025/206
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