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On symbolic computations over arbitrary commutative rings and cryptography with the temporal Jordan-Gauss graphs.
Authors: Vasyl Ustimenko
Abstract:The paper is dedicated to Multivariate Cryptography over general commutative ring K and protocols of symbolic computations for safe delivery of multivariate maps. We consider itera-tive algorithm of generation of multivariate maps of prescribed degree or density with the trapdoor accelerator, i.e. piece of information which allows to compute the reimage of the map in polynomial time. The concept of Jordan-Gauss temporal graphs is used for the obfus-cation of known graph based public keys and constructions of new cryptosystems. We sug-gest use of the platforms of Noncommutative Cryptography defined in terms of Multivariate Cryptography over K for the conversion of Multivariate Public Keys into El Gamal type Cryptosystems. Some new platforms are introduced.
ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2025/121
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