[Resource Topic] 2024/919: Multi-Input Functional Encryption for Unbounded Inner Products

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Multi-Input Functional Encryption for Unbounded Inner Products

Authors: Bishnu Charan Behera, Somindu C. Ramanna


In this work, we propose a construction for Multi~Input~Inner ~Product ~Encryption (MIPFE) that can handle vectors of variable length in different encryption slots. This construction is the first of its kind, as all existing MIPFE schemes allow only equal length vectors. The scheme is constructed in the private key setting, providing privacy for both message as well as the function, thereby achieving the so-called full-hiding security. Our MIPFE scheme uses bilinear groups of prime order and achieves security under well studied cryptographic assumptions, namely, the symmetric external Diffie-Hellman assumption.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/919

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