[Resource Topic] 2024/847: More Efficient $k$-wise Independent Permutations from Random Reversible Circuits via log-Sobolev Inequalities

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More Efficient k-wise Independent Permutations from Random Reversible Circuits via log-Sobolev Inequalities

Authors: Lucas Gretta, William He, Angelos Pelecanos


We prove that the permutation computed by a reversible circuit with \widetilde{O}(nk\cdot \log(1/\epsilon)) random 3-bit gates is \epsilon-approximately k-wise independent. Our bound improves on currently known bounds in the regime when the approximation error \epsilon is not too small. We obtain our results by analyzing the log-Sobolev constants of appropriate Markov chains rather than their spectral gaps.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/847

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