[Resource Topic] 2024/806: Resettable Statistical Zero-Knowledge for NP

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Resettable Statistical Zero-Knowledge for NP

Authors: Susumu Kiyoshima


Resettable statistical zero-knowledge [Garg–Ostrovsky–Visconti–Wadia, TCC 2012] is a strong privacy notion that guarantees statistical zero-knowledge even when the prover uses the same randomness in multiple proofs.

In this paper, we show an equivalence of resettable statistical zero-knowledge arguments for NP and witness encryption schemes for NP.

  • Positive result: For any NP language L, a resettable statistical zero-knowledge argument for L can be constructed from a witness encryption scheme for L under the assumption of the existence of one-way functions.
  • Negative result: The existence of even resettable statistical witness-indistinguishable arguments for NP imply the existence of witness encryption schemes for NP under the assumption of the existence of one-way functions.
    The positive result is obtained by naturally extending existing techniques (and is likely to be already well-known among experts). The negative result is our main technical contribution.

To explore workarounds for the negative result, we also consider resettable security in a model where the honest party’s randomness is only reused with fixed inputs. We show that resettable statistically hiding commitment schemes are impossible even in this model.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/806

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