[Resource Topic] 2024/761: Lattice-based Broadcast Authenticated Searchable Encryption for Cloud Storage

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Lattice-based Broadcast Authenticated Searchable Encryption for Cloud Storage

Authors: Yibo Cao, Shiyuan Xu, Xiu-Bo Chen, Gang Xu, Siu-Ming Yiu


The extensive use of cloud storage has created an urgent need to search and share data. Public key authenticated encryption with keyword search (PAEKS) allows for the retrieval from encrypted data, while resisting the insider keyword guessing attacks (IKGAs). Most PAEKS schemes only work with single-receiver model, exhibiting very limited applicability. To address this concern, there have been researches on broadcast authenticated encryption with keyword search (BAEKS) to achieve multi-receiver ciphertext search. But to our best knowledge, existing BAEKS schemes are susceptible to quantum computing attacks. In this paper, we propose lattice-based BAEKS, the first post-quantum broadcast authenticated encryption with keyword search, providing robust quantum-safety in multi-receiver model. Specifically, we leverage several lattice sampling algorithms and rejection sampling technique to construct our BAEKS scheme. Furthermore, we incorporate minimal cover set technique and lattice basis extension algorithm to construct an enhanced version, namely FS-BAEKS. Moreover, we give a rigorous security analysis of our scheme. Ultimately, the best computational overhead of BAEKS and Test algorithms in our BAEKS scheme delivers up to approximately 12-x and 402-x faster over prior arts when the number of receivers is six, respectively, which is practical for cloud storage systems.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/761

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