[Resource Topic] 2024/693: A Note of $\mathsf{Anemoi}$ Gröbner Bases

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A Note of \mathsf{Anemoi} Gröbner Bases

Authors: Pierre Briaud


Recently, [eprint/2024/250] and [eprint/2024/347] proposed two algebraic attacks on the \mathsf{Anemoi} permutation [Crypto '23]. In this note, we construct a Gröbner basis for the ideal generated by the naive modeling of the \mathsf{CICO} problem associated to \mathsf{Anemoi}, in odd and in even characteristics, for one and several branches. We also infer the degree of the ideal from this Gröbner basis, while previous works relied on upper bounds.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/693

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