[Resource Topic] 2024/686: Unstructured Inversions of New Hope

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Unstructured Inversions of New Hope

Authors: Ian Malloy


Introduced as a new protocol implemented in “Chrome Canary” for the Google Inc. Chrome browser,
“New Hope” is engineered as a post-quantum key exchange for the TLS 1.2 protocol. The structure of
the exchange is revised lattice-based cryptography. New Hope incorporates the key-encapsulation
mechanism of Peikert which itself is a modified Ring-LWE scheme. The search space used to introduce
the closest-vector problem is generated by an intersection of a tesseract and hexadecachoron, or the ℓ∞-
ball and ℓ1-ball respectively. This intersection results in the 24-cell 𝒱 of lattice 𝒟̃4. With respect to the
density of the Voronoi cell 𝒱, the proposed mitigation against backdoor attacks proposed by the authors
of New Hope may not withstand such attempts if enabled by a quantum computer capable of
implementing Grover’s search algorithm.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/686

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