[Resource Topic] 2024/591: Hash your Keys before Signing: BUFF Security of the Additional NIST PQC Signatures

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Hash your Keys before Signing: BUFF Security of the Additional NIST PQC Signatures

Authors: Thomas Aulbach, Samed Düzlü, Michael Meyer, Patrick Struck, Maximiliane Weishäupl


In this work, we analyze the so-called Beyond UnForgeability Features (BUFF) security of the submissions to the current standardization process of additional signatures by NIST. The BUFF notions formalize security against maliciously generated keys and have various real-world use cases, where security can be guaranteed despite misuse potential on a protocol level. Consequently, NIST declared the security against the BUFF notions as desirable features. Despite NIST’s interest, only 6 out of 40 schemes consider BUFF security at all, but none give a detailed analysis. We close this gap by analyzing the schemes based on codes, isogenies, lattices, and multivariate equations. The results vary from schemes that achieve neither notion (e.g., Wave) to schemes that achieve all notions (e.g., PROV). In particular, we dispute certain claims by SQUIRRELS and VOX regarding their BUFF security. Resulting from our analysis, we observe that three schemes (CROSS, HAWK and PROV) achieve BUFF security without having the hash of public key and message as part of the signature, as BUFF transformed schemes would have. HAWK and PROV essentially use the lighter PS-3 transform by Pornin and Stern (ACNS’05). We further point out whether this transform suffices for the other schemes to achieve the BUFF notions, with both positive and negative results.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/591

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