[Resource Topic] 2024/2020: Ring Ring! Who's There? A Privacy Preserving Mobile Number Search

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Ring Ring! Who’s There? A Privacy Preserving Mobile Number Search

Authors: Akshit Aggarwal


Private set intersection (PSI) allows any two parties (say client and server) to jointly compute the intersection of their sets without revealing anything else. Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE)-based PSI is a cryptographic solution to implement PSI-based protocols. Most FHE-based PSI protocols implement hash function approach and oblivious transfer approach. The main limitations of their protocols are 1) high communication complexity, that is, O(xlogy) (where x is total number of elements on client side, and y is total number of elements on server side), and 2) high memory usage due to SIMD packing for encrypting large digit numbers. In this work, we design a novel tree-based approach to store the large digit numbers that achieves less communication complexity, that is, O(|d|^{2}) (where d is digits of a mobile number). Later we implement our protocol using Tenseal library. Our designed protocol opens the door to find the common elements with less communication complexity and less memory usage.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/2020

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