Welcome to the resource topic for 2024/2006
Data Decryption and Analysis of Note-Taking Applications
Authors: Seyoung Yoon, Myungseo Park, Kyungbae Jang, Hwajeong Seo
Abstract:As smartphone usage continues to grow, the demand for note-taking applications, including memo and diary apps, is rapidly increasing. These applications often contain sensitive information such as user schedules, thoughts, and activities, making them key targets for analysis in digital forensics. Each year, new note-taking applications are released, most of which include lock features to protect user data. However, these security features can create challenges for authorized investigators attempting to access and analyze application data. This paper aims to support investigators by conducting a static analysis of Android-based note-taking applications. It identifies how and where data is stored and explains methods for extracting and decrypting encrypted data. Based on the analysis, the paper concludes by proposing future research directions in the field of digital forensics.
ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/2006
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