Welcome to the resource topic for 2024/1928
Generic Security of GCM-SST
Authors: Akiko Inoue, Ashwin Jha, Bart Mennink, Kazuhiko Minematsu
Abstract:Authenticated encryption schemes guarantee that parties who share a secret key can communicate confidentially and authentically. One of the most popular and widely used authenticated encryption schemes is GCM by McGrew and Viega (INDOCRYPT 2004). However, despite its simplicity and efficiency, GCM also comes with its deficiencies, most notably devastating insecurity against nonce-misuse and imperfect security for short tags.
Very recently, Campagna, Maximov, and Mattsson presented GCM-SST (IETF Internet draft 2024), a variant of GCM that uses a slightly more involved universal hash function composition, and claimed that this construction achieves stronger security in case of tag truncation. GCM-SST already received various interest from industries (e.g., Amazon and Ericsson) and international organizations (e.g., IETF and 3GPP) but it has not received any generic security analysis to date.
In this work, we fill this gap and perform a detailed security analysis of GCM-SST. In particular, we prove that GCM-SST achieves security in the nonce-misuse resilience model of Ashur et al.~(CRYPTO 2017), roughly guaranteeing that even if nonces are reused, evaluations of GCM-SST for new nonces are secure. Our security bound also verified the designers’ (informal) claim on tag truncation. Additionally, we investigate and describe possibilities to optimize the hashing in GCM-SST further, and we describe a universal forgery attack in a complexity of around 2^{33.6}, improving over an earlier attack of 2^{40} complexity of Lindell, when the tag is 32 bits.
ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1928
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