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Fast, Compact and Hardware-Friendly Bootstrapping in less than 3ms Using Multiple Instruction Multiple Ciphertext
Authors: Seunghwan Lee, Dohyuk Kim, Dong-Joon Shin
Abstract:This paper proposes a fast, compact key-size, and hardware-friendly bootstrapping using only 16-bit integer arithmetic and fully homomorphic encryption FHE16, which enables gate operations on ciphertexts using only 16-bit integer arithmetic. The proposed bootstrapping consists of unit operations on ciphertexts, such as (incomplete) number theoretic transform (NTT), inverse NTT, polynomial multiplication, gadget decomposition, and automorphism, under a composite modulus constructed from 16-bit primes. Since our bootstrapping does not use any floating-point operations, extra floating-point errors do not occur so that FHE16 can pack more message bits into a single ciphertext than TFHE-rs which utilizes floating-point operations. Furthermore, we propose multiple instruction multiple ciphertext(MIMC) method to accelerate the simultaneous execution of different homomorphic operations across multiple ciphertexts. Finally, experimental results show that the bootstrapping operation completes in 2.89 milliseconds for ciphertext dimension of 512.
ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1916
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