[Resource Topic] 2024/1854: A Zero-Knowledge PCP Theorem

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A Zero-Knowledge PCP Theorem

Authors: Tom Gur, Jack O'Connor, Nicholas Spooner


We show that for every polynomial q∗ there exist polynomial-size, constant-query, non-adaptive PCPs
for NP which are perfect zero knowledge against (adaptive) adversaries making at most q∗ queries to
the proof. In addition, we construct exponential-size constant-query PCPs for NEXP with perfect zero
knowledge against any polynomial-time adversary. This improves upon both a recent construction of
perfect zero-knowledge PCPs for #P (STOC 2024) and the seminal work of Kilian, Petrank and Tardos
(STOC 1997).

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1854

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This paper presents a construction of Probabilistically Checkable Proofs (PCPs) that are perfectly zero-knowledge, meaning they reveal nothing about the underlying data except for the validity of the statement being proven, even to adversaries who can examine a large portion of the proof.

Imagine a way to prove something is true without showing any evidence, like proving you’re old enough to drive without revealing your birthdate. This research makes that possible for complex computer programs, allowing us to verify information without revealing the birthday. This could assist areas like online voting, secure data sharing, and digital identity. It’s a step towards a future where we can trust computer systems without having to blindly trust the people who built them.

Non-Hype TL;DR:

While theoretically significant, the paper’s practical impact at this time is limited. The constructed PZK-PCPs, despite having constant query complexity, suffer from large hidden constants in proof size and verifier computation.
The efficiency bottlenecks, particularly for the prover,hinder real-world deployment in the near term. Optimization and potentially new techniques are needed before these results can be widely applied in practice. Don’t expect to see this in production systems anytime soon.

TL;DR for TCS (Complexity Theorists)

We establish NP ⊆ PZK-PCP[log n, 1] and NEXP ⊆ PZK-PCP[poly(n), 1], resolving a long-standing open question regarding the existence of constant-query perfectly zero-knowledge PCPs. Our approach relies on robust PZK-PCPs for polynomial summation, a novel notion of locally computable proofs, and a careful analysis of alphabet reduction and proof composition.
This significantly advances our understanding of the power of zero-knowledge and its relationship to classical complexity classes. It also provides new tools for constructing and analyzing complex proof systems.

TL;DR for Cryptography Practitioners

We’ve cracked the nut on constructing PZK-PCPs with constant query complexity for NP and NEXP, leveraging a novel locally computable proof composition paradigm that preserves perfect ZK. This beats prior work stuck at polylog queries or weak ZK.
Deployable in ZK-SNARKs, verifiable computation, and privacy-preserving blockchains, but watch out for concrete efficiency – constants are large. Still, a major leap towards practical, fully ZK verifiable computation.

TL;DR for Blockchain Developers

This paper demonstrates how to create cryptographic proofs that can be checked super-fast (reading only a tiny part) without revealing any information about the data being verified. This is a big deal for building privacy-focused blockchains and decentralized applications.
Think truly confidential transactions, verifiable off-chain computations without revealing data, and more powerful ZK-rollups. It’s still theoretical, but it paves the way for much stronger privacy guarantees on-chain.


Problem: The research addresses the challenge of creating proofs that can be verified efficiently without revealing any sensitive information. This is crucial in scenarios where data privacy is paramount, such as in secure computation, blockchain technology, and cryptographic protocols.

Solution: The authors construct PCPs that are “perfect zero-knowledge.” This means that a verifier can check the validity of a statement by examining only a small, constant number of bits from the proof, while an adversary, even one who can read a large, polynomial-sized portion of the proof, gains absolutely no information beyond the statement’s truth. This is achieved by cleverly combining techniques from coding theory, algebra, and cryptography.

Unexpected Findings:

  1. Constant-Query Zero-Knowledge PCPs for NP: The most surprising result is the existence of polynomial-size, constant-query, non-adaptive PCPs for NP that are perfectly zero-knowledge against adversaries reading a polynomial number of bits. This was previously unknown and significantly improves upon prior work, which achieved only polylogarithmic query complexity or weaker forms of zero-knowledge.

    • Rationale: This is significant because it simultaneously achieves the efficiency of the PCP theorem (constant query complexity) and the strongest possible privacy guarantee (perfect zero-knowledge). It essentially shows that verification and privacy are not fundamentally at odds in the context of PCPs.
  2. Perfect Zero-Knowledge from Composition: Another unexpected finding is that proof composition, a technique for combining PCPs to achieve better parameters, preserves perfect zero-knowledge. This was not previously known and simplifies the construction of zero-knowledge PCPs.

    • Rationale: This is surprising because proof composition is a complex operation, and it was not obvious that it would maintain the delicate property of perfect zero-knowledge. This result opens up new avenues for constructing efficient and private cryptographic protocols.


  1. Outline of Research Methodology:

    • The authors build upon previous work on zero-knowledge PCPs for #P and interactive PCPs for NEXP.
    • They introduce the concept of “locally computable proofs” to analyze the zero-knowledge property under various transformations.
    • They construct robust PZK-PCPs for polynomial summation, a key component in their main construction.
    • They use the Cook-Levin theorem to reduce NP and NEXP problems to Oracle-3SAT.
    • They construct PZK-PCPs for Oracle-3SAT by combining sumcheck commitments, zero-knowledge sumcheck PCPs, and techniques to hide the witness.
    • They apply alphabet reduction and proof composition to achieve constant query complexity.
  2. Problem-Solving Techniques:

    • Sumcheck Commitment Scheme: Used to hide the witness in the Oracle-3SAT construction.
    • Zero-Knowledge Sumcheck PCP: Used to prove the correctness of the sumcheck commitment without revealing information about partial sums.
    • Linearisation: Used to “pull out” inner summations in the Oracle-3SAT reduction, enabling efficient verification.
    • Query Bundling: Used to achieve constant robust soundness in the sumcheck PCP.
    • Alphabet Reduction: Used to reduce the alphabet size of the PCP while preserving zero-knowledge.
    • Proof Composition: Used to combine an outer PCP with an inner PCP to achieve constant query complexity.
    • Locally Computable Proofs: Used to show that various transformations, including query bundling, alphabet reduction, and proof composition, preserve zero-knowledge.

Results and Evaluation:

  1. Key Findings:

    • There exist polynomial-size, constant-query, non-adaptive PCPs for NP that are perfectly zero-knowledge against adversaries reading a polynomial number of bits.
    • There exist exponential-size, constant-query, non-adaptive PCPs for NEXP that are perfectly zero-knowledge against any polynomial-time adversary.
    • Proof composition preserves perfect zero-knowledge.
    • Alphabet reduction preserves perfect zero-knowledge.
  2. Quantitative Results:

    • For NP, the proof length is poly(q*, n), where q* is the query bound and n is the input size.
    • For NEXP, the proof length is exponential in n.
    • The query complexity is O(1) for both NP and NEXP.
    • The randomness complexity is O(log n) for NP and poly(n) for NEXP.
  3. Notable Achievements:

    • The first construction of constant-query, perfectly zero-knowledge PCPs for NP.
    • A significant improvement over prior work, which achieved only polylogarithmic query complexity or weaker forms of zero-knowledge.
    • A simpler and more modular approach to constructing zero-knowledge PCPs.

Practical Deployment and Usability:

  • Real-World Applicability: The research has implications for the design of privacy-preserving cryptographic protocols. It could be used to build secure computation systems, verifiable computation schemes, and blockchain applications where data privacy is crucial.
  • Practicality and Ease of Use: While the theoretical results are groundbreaking, the practical deployment of these constructions may face challenges due to the large constants involved in the proof size and query complexity. However, the modular design and the use of standard cryptographic tools suggest that practical implementations may be feasible with further optimization.
  • Examples:
    • Secure Multi-Party Computation: Zero-knowledge PCPs can be used to enable parties to jointly compute a function on their private inputs without revealing anything beyond the output.
    • Verifiable Computation: Outsourced computations can be verified without revealing the data being processed.
    • Privacy-Preserving Blockchains: Transactions can be verified without revealing the details of the transaction.

Limitations, Assumptions, and Caveats:

  • Large Constants: The constructions involve large constants in the proof size and query complexity, which may affect their practicality in some applications.
  • Computational Overhead: The prover’s computation can be expensive, especially for NEXP.
  • Assumption of a Powerful Adversary: The zero-knowledge property holds against adversaries that can read a polynomial number of bits, which may be a stronger assumption than necessary in some practical scenarios.

Key Terms:

  • Probabilistically Checkable Proof (PCP): A type of proof that can be verified by a probabilistic verifier who only reads a small portion of the proof. The verifier accepts valid proofs with high probability and rejects invalid proofs with high probability.
  • Zero-Knowledge Proof: A proof that reveals nothing to the verifier except the validity of the statement being proven.
  • Perfect Zero-Knowledge: The strongest form of zero-knowledge, where the verifier’s view of the proof can be perfectly simulated without knowing the underlying data.
  • Non-Adaptive Verifier: A verifier whose queries to the proof do not depend on the answers to previous queries.
  • Query Complexity: The number of bits the verifier needs to read from the proof.
  • NP: The class of decision problems for which a “yes” answer can be verified in polynomial time.
  • NEXP: The class of decision problems for which a “yes” answer can be verified in exponential time by a nondeterministic Turing machine.
  • #P: The class of counting problems associated with NP decision problems.
  • Sumcheck Protocol: An interactive protocol for verifying the sum of a polynomial over a specified domain.
  • Multilinear Extension: A way to represent a function defined on a Boolean hypercube as a polynomial that agrees with the function on all points in the hypercube.
  • Sumcheck Commitment: A cryptographic commitment to a polynomial that allows for efficient verification of sums of the polynomial over certain subsets.
  • Proof Composition: A technique for combining two PCPs to create a new PCP with improved parameters.
  • Robust Soundness: A property of a PCP where the verifier’s view is far from any accepting view with high probability if the statement being proven is false.
  • Alphabet Reduction: A technique for transforming a PCP over a large alphabet into a PCP over a smaller alphabet (e.g., binary).
  • Locally Computable Proof: A proof where each symbol can be efficiently computed from a small number of symbols of another proof.

Conflict of Interest:

  • The authors are affiliated with academic institutions (University of Cambridge and Cornell University) and do not appear to have any direct financial conflicts of interest.
  • The research is funded by the ERC and UKRI, which are public funding agencies.
  • As with any academic research, there could be potential biases towards publishing positive results and emphasizing the significance of the findings. Happily, the paper provides a detailed technical analysis and acknowledges the limitations of the work, suggesting a balanced presentation of the results.