[Resource Topic] 2024/1702: Secure and efficient transciphering for FHE-based MPC

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Secure and efficient transciphering for FHE-based MPC

Authors: Diego F. Aranha, Antonio Guimarães, Clément Hoffmann, Pierrick Méaux


Transciphering (or Hybrid-Homomorphic Encryption, HHE) is an es-
tablished technique for avoiding ciphertext expansion in HE applications, saving communication and storage resources. Recently, it has also been shown to be a fundamental component in the practical construction of HE-based multi-party computation (MPC) protocols, being used both for input data and intermediary results (Smart, IMACC 2023). In these protocols, however, ciphers are used with keys that are jointly generated by multiple (possibly malicious) parties, which may require additional security assumptions that have been so far overlooked in the HHE literature. In this paper, we formalize this issue as a security against related-key attacks (RKA) problem and provide efficient solutions for it. We start by presenting an efficient method for homomorphically evaluating Mixed-Filter-Permutator (MFP) ciphers in leveled mode, enabling speedups of up to thousands of times compared to previous literature. For the multi-party scenario, we focus specifically on the Margrethe cipher (Hoffmann et al., INDOCRYPT 2023). We show that, contrary to other commonly used HHE ciphers (e.g. FLIP), Margrethe is out-of-the-box secure for any protocols that allow malicious parties to learn up to two related key streams, enabling security for the vast majority of static MPC protocols. For other cases, we quantify the loss of security based on the number of related key streams (which often depends on the number of malicious parties and specific protocol). Performance-wise, our implementation of Margrethe takes just 3.9 ms to transcipher 4 bit messages, being significantly faster than the state of the art in terms of latency.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1702

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