[Resource Topic] 2024/1449: Marian: An Open Source RISC-V Processor with Zvk Vector Cryptography Extensions

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Marian: An Open Source RISC-V Processor with Zvk Vector Cryptography Extensions

Authors: Thomas Szymkowiak, Endrit Isufi, Markku-Juhani Saarinen


The RISC-V Vector Cryptography Extensions (Zvk) were ratified in 2023 and integrated into the main ISA manuals in 2024. These extensions support high-speed symmetric cryptography (AES, SHA2, SM3, SM4) operating on the vector register file and offer significant performance improvements over scalar cryptography extensions (Zk) due to data parallelism. As a ratified extension, Zvk is supported by compiler toolchains and is already being integrated into popular cryptographic middleware such as OpenSSL. We report on Marian, the first open-source hardware implementation of a vector processor with the Zvk extensions. The design is based on the PULP ``Ara’’ vector unit, which itself is an extension of the popular CVA6 processor. The implementation is in SystemVerilog and has been tested using Virtex Ultrascale+ FPGA prototyping, with a planned tapeout targeting a 22nm process node. We offer an analysis of the architectural requirements that vector cryptography imposes on a processor, as well as the initial estimates of performance and area for our implementation.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1449

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