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Universal Context Commitment without Ciphertext Expansion
Authors: Arghya Bhattacharjee, Ritam Bhaumik, Chandranan Dhar
Abstract:An ongoing research challenge in symmetric cryptography is to design an authenticated encryption (AE) with a commitment to the secret key or preferably to the entire context. One way to achieve this is to use a transform on an existing AE scheme, if possible with no output length expansion. At EUROCRYPT’22, Bellare and Hoang proposed the HtE transform, which lifts key-commitment to context-commitment. In the same year at ESORICS’22, Chan and Rogaway proposed the CTX transform, which works on any AE scheme where the tag is not required for decryption. However, for AE schemes which are not key-committing to begin with and which use the tag for decryption, no such transform exists till date. The latter category encompasses all AE schemes based on the design paradigms SIV, MAC-then-Encrypt, and Encode-then-Encipher. In this work, we propose PACT, a transform to convert any AE scheme into a context-committing one without any output length expansion. In addition, PACT preserves both nonce-respecting and nonce-misuse security of the legacy AE scheme. However, this is not the case with all the existing transforms. To demonstrate this, we show that a combination of CTY and SC (proposed by Bellare and Hoang, CRYPTO’24) doesn’t preserve the nonce-misuse security of the legacy AE scheme. PACT requires only one call to a collision-resistant unkeyed hash function and one call to a block cipher. Finally, we propose a lighter transform comPACT, which converts a nonce-respecting AE scheme into a context-committing one.
ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1382
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