[Resource Topic] 2024/1192: Towards ML-KEM & ML-DSA on OpenTitan

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Towards ML-KEM & ML-DSA on OpenTitan

Authors: Amin Abdulrahman, Felix Oberhansl, Hoang Nguyen Hien Pham, Jade Philipoom, Peter Schwabe, Tobias Stelzer, Andreas Zankl


This paper presents extensions to the OpenTitan hardware root of trust that aim at enabling high-performance lattice-based cryptography. We start by carefully optimizing ML-KEM and ML-DSA - the two primary algorithms selected by NIST for standardization - in software targeting the OTBN accelerator. Based on profiling results of these implementations, we propose tightly integrated extensions to OTBN, specifically an interface from OTBN to OpenTitan’s Keccak accelerator (KMAC core) and extensions to the OTBN ISA to support operations on 256-bit vectors. We implement these extensions in hardware and show that we achieve a speedup by a factor between 6 and 9 for different operations and parameter sets of ML-KEM and ML-DSA compared to our baseline implementation on unmodified OTBN. This speedup is achieved with an increase in cell count of less than 12% in OTBN, which corresponds to an increase of less than 2% for the full Earlgrey OpenTitan core.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1192

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