[Resource Topic] 2024/1172: Generalized class group actions on oriented elliptic curves with level structure

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Generalized class group actions on oriented elliptic curves with level structure

Authors: Sarah Arpin, Wouter Castryck, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Gioella Lorenzon, Frederik Vercauteren


We study a large family of generalized class groups of imaginary quadratic orders O and prove that they act freely and (essentially) transitively on the set of primitively O-oriented elliptic curves over a field k (assuming this set is non-empty) equipped with appropriate level structure. This extends, in several ways, a recent observation due to Galbraith, Perrin and Voloch for the ray class group. We show that this leads to a reinterpretation of the action of the class group of a suborder O' \subseteq O on the set of O'-oriented elliptic curves, discuss several other examples, and briefly comment on the hardness of the corresponding vectorization problems.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1172

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