[Resource Topic] 2024/1444: Attestation Proof of Association – provability that attestation keys are bound to the same hardware and person

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Attestation Proof of Association – provability that attestation keys are bound to the same hardware and person

Authors: Eric Verheul


We propose a wallet provider issued attestation called Wallet Trust Evidence (WTE) and three related specific instructions for the European Digital Identity (EUDI) Wallet cryptographic hardware, most notably the generation of a Proof of Association (PoA). These allow the EUDI Wallet providing verifiable assurance to third parties (issuers, relying parties) that attestation private keys are not only bound to conformant cryptographic hardware but also that they are bound to the same such hardware. This allows the EUDI Wallet meeting eIDAS Level of Assurance ``high’’ as well as operating in a privacy friendly manner. The instructions specified in this document cater for convenient implementation in all envisioned EUDI Wallet architectures including those based on a GlobalPlatform based Secure Element such as an eID-card or an embedded SIM (eSIM). By their simplicity, the three instructions also allow for convenient Common Criteria certification. This document is a further refinement and cryptographic concretization of the WTE/PoA logic specified in the wallet Architecture and Reference Framework (ARF), which is based on the EPIC-09 result developed in a cooperation between the NI-Scy consortium and the eIDAS expert group. However, the present draft document is meant for discussion only and not approved by the NI-Scy consortium, the eIDAS expert group or Dutch government.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1444

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