[Resource Topic] 2024/1425: New constructions of pseudorandom codes

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New constructions of pseudorandom codes

Authors: Surendra Ghentiyala, Venkatesan Guruswami


Introduced in [CG24], pseudorandom error-correcting codes (PRCs) are a new
cryptographic primitive with applications in watermarking generative AI models.
These are codes where a collection of polynomially many codewords is
computationally indistinguishable from random, except to individuals with the
decoding key. In this work, we examine the assumptions under which PRCs with
robustness to a constant error rate exist.

  1. We show that if both the planted hyperloop assumption introduced in
    [BKR23] and security of a version of Goldreich’s PRG hold, then there exist
    public-key PRCs for which no efficient adversary can distinguish a polynomial
    number of codewords from random with better than o(1) advantage.
  2. We revisit the construction of [CG24] and show that it can be based on a
    wider range of assumptions than presented in [CG24]. To do this, we introduce a
    weakened version of the planted XOR assumption which we call the weak planted
    XOR assumption and which may be of independent interest.
  3. We initiate the study of PRCs which are secure against space-bounded
    adversaries. We show how to construct secret-key PRCs of length O(n) which
    are \textit{unconditionally} indistinguishable from random by
    \text{poly}(n) time, O(n^{1.5-\varepsilon}) space adversaries.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1425

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