[Resource Topic] 2018/774: Thring Signatures and their Applications to Spender-Ambiguous Digital Currencies

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Thring Signatures and their Applications to Spender-Ambiguous Digital Currencies

Authors: Brandon Goodell, Sarang Noether


We present threshold ring multi-signatures (thring signatures) for collaborative computation of ring signatures. We discuss a game of existential forgery for thring signatures and the uses of thring signatures in digital currencies, including spender-ambiguous cross-chain atomic swaps for confidential amounts without a trusted set-up. We present an implementation of thring signatures inspired by the works of [13], [20], [14], [1], [18], and [15] we call linkable spontaneous threshold anonymous group (LSTAG) signatures, and we prove the implementation existentially unforgeable under the plain public key and random oracle models.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/774

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