[Resource Topic] 2012/399: Differential Fault Analysis on Block Cipher Piccolo

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Differential Fault Analysis on Block Cipher Piccolo

Authors: Kitae Jeong


Piccolo is a 64-bit block cipher suitable for the constrained environments such as wireless sensor network environments. In this paper, we propose differential fault analysis on Piccolo. Based on a random byte fault model, our attack can recover the secret key of Piccolo-80 by using an exhaustive search of 2^{24} and six random byte fault injections on average. It can be simulated on a general PC within a few seconds. In the case of Piccolo-128, we require an exhaustive search of 2^{40} and eight random byte fault injections on average. This attack can be simulated on a general PC within one day. These results are the first known side-channel attack results on them.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2012/399

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