[Resource Topic] 2009/499: Underlying Assumptions and Designated Verifier Signatures

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Underlying Assumptions and Designated Verifier Signatures

Authors: Chifumi Sato, Takeshi Okamoto, Eiji Okamoto


In this paper, we define an underlying computational problem and its decisional problem. As an application of their problems, we propose an efficient designated verifier signature (DVS) scheme without random oracles (related to symmetric pairings). We formally redefine the (Strong) Privacy of Signature’s Identity, and prove our DVS scheme satisfying security based on the difficulty of the problems. Also we prove that the difficulty of the computational problem is tightly equivalent to the Strong Unforgeability of our proposed conventional signature scheme (without random oracles) related to asymmetric pairings. We believe that our underlying problems are profitable to propose many efficient cryptographic schemes.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2009/499

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