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Anonymous Consecutive Delegation of Signing Rights: Unifying Group and Proxy Signatures
Authors: Georg Fuchsbauer, David Pointcheval
Abstract:We define a general model for consecutive delegations of signing rights with the following properties: The delegatee actually signing and all intermediate delegators remain anonymous. As for group signatures, in case of misuse, a special authority can open signatures to reveal the chain of delegations and the signer’s identity. The scheme satisfies a strong notion of non-frameability generalizing the one for dynamic group signatures. We give formal definitions of security and show them to be satisfiable by constructing an instantiation proven secure under general assumptions in the standard model. Our primitive is a proper generalization of both group signatures and proxy signatures and can be regarded as non-frameable dynamic hierarchical group signatures.
ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2008/037
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