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Accumulating Composites and Improved Group Signing
Authors: Gene Tsudik, Shouhuai Xu
Abstract:Constructing practical and provably secure group signature schemes has been
a very active research topic in recent years. A group signature can be viewed
as a digital signature with certain extra properties. Notably, anyone can
verify that a signature is generated by a legitimate group member, while the
actual signer can only be identified (and linked) by a designated entity
called a group manager. Currently, the most efficient group signature scheme
available is due to Camenisch and Lysyanskaya \cite{CL02}. It is obtained
by integrating a novel dynamic accumulator with the scheme by
Ateniese, et al. \cite{ACJT00}.
In this paper, we construct a dynamic accumulator that
accumulates \emph{composites}, as opposed to previous accumulators that
accumulated \emph{primes}. We also present an efficient method for proving
knowledge of factorization of a committed value. Based on these (and other)
techniques we design a novel provably secure group signature scheme. It
operates in the \emph{common auxiliary string} model and offers two important
benefits: 1) the {\sf Join} process is very efficient: a new
member computes only a single exponentiation, and 2) the (unoptimized) cost of
generating a group signature is 17 exponentiations which is appreciably less than
the state-of-the-art.
ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2003/112
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