Welcome to the resource topic for 2025/096
Simultaneous-Message and Succinct Secure Computation
Authors: Elette Boyle, Abhishek Jain, Sacha Servan-Schreiber, Akshayaram Srinivasan
Abstract:We put forth and instantiate a new primitive we call simultaneous-message and succinct (SMS) secure computation. An SMS scheme enables a minimal communication pattern for secure computation in the following scenario: Alice has a large private input X, Bob has a small private input y, and Charlie wants to learn f(X, y) for some public function f.
Given a common reference string (CRS) setup phase, an SMS scheme for a function f is instantiated with two parties holding inputs X and y, and has the following structure:
- The parties simultaneously exchange a single message.
- Communication is succinct, scaling sublinearly in the size of X and the output f(X, y).
- Without further interaction, the parties can locally derive additive secret shares of f(X, y).
In this way, an SMS scheme incurs a communication cost that is only twice that of the function output length. Importantly, the size of Alice’s message does not grow with the size of her input X, and both Alice’s and Bob’s first-round messages grow sublinearly in the size of the output. Additionally, Alice’s or Bob’s view provides no information about the other party’s input besides the output of f(X, y), even if colluding with Charlie.
We obtain the following results:
Assuming Learning With Errors (LWE), we build an SMS scheme supporting evaluation of depth-d circuits, where Alice’s message is of size $|f(X, y)|^{(2/3)}· poly(λ, d), Bob's message is of size (|y| + |f(X, y)|^{(2/3)})$ · poly(λ, d), and λ is the security parameter. We can further extend this to support all functions by assuming the circular security of LWE.
Assuming sub-exponentially secure indistinguishability obfuscation, in conjunction with other standard assumptions, we build an SMS scheme supporting arbitrary polynomial-sized batch functions of the form (f(x_1, y), ..., f(x_L, y)), for X = (x_1, ..., x_L). The size of Alice’s and Bob’s messages in this construction is poly(λ) and poly(λ, |f|, log L), respectively.
We show that SMS schemes have several immediate applications. An SMS scheme gives:
A direct construction of trapdoor hash functions (TDH) (Döttling et al., Crypto’19) for the same class of functions as the one supported by the SMS scheme.
A simple and generic compiler for obtaining compact, rate-1 fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) from any non-compact FHE scheme.
A simple and generic compiler for obtaining correlation-intractable (CI) hash functions that are secure against all efficiently-searchable relations.
In turn, under the LWE assumption, we obtain the first construction of TDH for all functions and generic approaches for obtaining rate-1 FHE and CI hashing. We also show that our iO-based construction gives an alternative approach for two-round secure computation with communication succinctness in the output length (Hubáček and Wichs, ITCS’15).
ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2025/096
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