[Resource Topic] 2024/1915: MUTLISS: a protocol for long-term secure distributed storage over multiple remote QKD networks

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MUTLISS: a protocol for long-term secure distributed storage over multiple remote QKD networks

Authors: Thomas Prévost, Olivier Alibart, Anne Marin, Marc Kaplan


We introduce MULTISS, a new distributed storage proto-
col over multiple remote Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) networks
that ensures long-term data confidentiality. Our protocol extends LIN-
COS, a secure storage protocol that uses Shamir secret sharing
to distribute data in a single QKD network. Instead MULTISS uses a
hierarchical secret scheme that makes certain shares mandatory for the
reconstruction of the original secret. We prove that MULTISS ensures
that the stored data remain secure even if an eavesdropper (1) gets full
access to all storage servers of some of the QKD networks or (2) stores
and breaks later all the classical communication between the QKD net-
works. We demonstrate that this is strictly more secure than LINCOS
which is broken as soon as one QKD network is compromised.
Our protocol, like LINCOS, has a procedure to update the shares stored
in each QKD network without reconstructing the original data. In addi-
tion, we provide a procedure to recover from a full compromission of one
of the QKD network. In particular, we introduce a version of the protocol
that can only be implemented over a restricted network topologies, but
minimizes the communication required in the recovery procedure.
In practice, the MULTISS protocol is designed for the case of several
QKD networks at the metropolitan scale connected to each other through
channels secured by classical cryptography. Hence, MULTISS offers a
secure distributed storage solution in a scenario that is compatible with
the current deployment of quantum networks.

ePrint: https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1915

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